PEACE INVADERS is a Finnish peace organisation that aims to harness the power of technology and media to be used in conflict transformation.
We believe there’s a huge untapped potential in using technology and media-based tools for peacebuilding.
We want to bring technologists, artists, conflict transformation specialists and scholars together to innovate new kinds of peacebuilding tools and to advance the growth of a viable peacetech industry worldwide.
Create peacetech tools to remove obstacles to peace
Organise events to raise awareness of peacetech
Support the creation of a globally viable peacetech industry
Transform the way peacetech is funded by creating new funding models
Conflicts can be solved.

Peace Invaders ry (reg. number 216.989) was founded in Finland in 2016 by Hanna Partanen, Susanna Partanen and Ella-Roosa Tenhunen. Coming from the background of TV production, gaming industry, business, design and conflict transformation and having spent various periods of time living in the Middle East, the co-founders decided to find a way to use their skills to support peacebuilding efforts.
After founding Peace Invaders, the trio noticed that they were now part of a growing international movement called peacetech or peace technology. Especially the US had taken a leading role to advance the emerging industry by creating peacetech laboratories and various other projects, while in Finland, peacetech as a term was not very well known.
To raise awareness for the industry in Finland, Peace Invaders teamed up with Stanford Peace Innovation Lab and Helsinki Think Company and organised Peacetech Forum, an event that brought together the peace-builders and technological innovators in Helsinki in May 2017.
Since then, Peace Invaders has continued to network with various peacetech actors both in Finland and in the Middle East and looked for ways to support the local peacebuilding community with new kinds of tools that are targeting the root causes of conflicts.
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