Peace is a group effort.
These are the values that we believe in in our work.
Respect We believe that peace arises from the fact that each human being is worthy of respect, and we want this to show in all our processes and partnerships.
Transparency We are supporting open and transparent NGO practices.
Creativity Peace is possible, but it requires creative problem solving. Multi-disciplinary teams are needed for coming up and testing new solutions. Design thinking methods are utilised to get to the real roots of problems, to test the solution ideas and arrive at most effective solutions.
Collaboration Peacetech development is a collaborative field where technologists, conflict transformation specialists, academic experts, researchers and artists are all needed to contribute for the effort.
Local ownership People in conflict zones have intimate knowledge of their needs, challenges and solutions. We don’t want to propose solutions from the outside, but to work from the ground up through the whole design process.
Impartiality We want to remain impartial and not take sides between the conflicted parties in the operating environment. In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we believe that the future peace arrangements need to negotiated between the two parties. We support peace and co-existence.
Safety Safety of all people involved in our projects is of paramount importance to us. We invest time and effort to assess the risks and take the necessary precautions.