We want peace. We mean business. And that's why we are starting a blog.
Let’s bring all the peacetech influencers into one place!
Hello world! Great to meet you! This is Everybody’s Business, a new blog by Peace Invaders. We can hardly wait to let our expert interviewees loose on the blog, but first a short word about us.
Peace Invaders is a Finnish NGO specialising in peacetech development. Me and two other media professionals founded it around four years ago, because we believe peace-builders need more tools and that media and technology could be used in a powerful way to transform conflicts.
Then we noticed we are part of an emerging industry called peace technology. We started networking with other actors in the field and talking about how to best help this industry grow and have more impact.
Now we want to start collecting ideas and visions from the leading peacetech influencers and put them into one place – this blog.
We called it Everybody’s Business because we believe that peace should be everybody’s business, not involving only peace mediators and people in war zones, but also everyday people who may not directly influenced by conflicts. In order to work for a lasting peace, we need to be aware of the dynamics of conflicts and how to build connection between people.
Peace technology is a field where we need everyone. Tech communities, academic researchers, creatives and artists are all required to build effective interventions that reduce violence and increase peace.
We also believe that peace should be more profitable than war. We want to build an industry where peacetech is a viable business. For that we need discussion on new funding models.
This all will be explored in our blog. Wherever you are in this crazy season in our world, I hope you are safe and that you will be inspired. Join the conversation!
Peace Invaders is a Finnish NGO working to harness the power of technology and media for conflict transformation.
We want peace. We mean business.
Peace Invaders blogging crew
Journalist, filmmaker and executive director of Peace Invaders. Email me at hanna@peaceinvaders.fi and let’s start a conversation!
Historian and marketing manager interested in narratives, peacetech and circular economy innovations. Email me at mari@peaceinvaders.fi